Working from home

Teleworking realities

The COVID-19 has been dubbed the “great accelerator,” as it brought an enormous shift to digital around the world. Schools and learning went online, video conference participation rose dramatically, medical services were delivered over the phone and Internet, and businesses struggling to implement their digital strategy took the leap, simply because they had no other choice.

Solomon Islands riot damage

Solomon Islands’ juggling act

By Georgina Kekea Solomon Islands was COVID-19 free until December 2021. Despite recording positive cases in isolation centres, the spread to the community was avoided. It was not until January

PNG economic projection infographic

Low vax rates threaten PNG economy

By Kevin McQuillan COVID-19 will remain a threat to the Papua New Guinea economy throughout 2022, due to the low rate of vaccination and poor health infrastructure, compounded by a

Fiji teachers

COVID closures and Fiji schools

By Epeli Krishan Sen Vakalalabure and Lotarakuita Anand Sen Saurara Albus Dumbledore, the Headmaster of Hogwarts in the Harry Potter series notes that time is a mysterious thing and, when