Page 8 - IB FEB 2020
P. 8
BIDING TIME IN BOUGAINVILLE appointments at the University of the means. To Tatou Vai CEO Brent Manning
Bougainville Affairs Minister Sir South Pacific have been referred to the has told local media: “ I would go as
Puka Temu has suggested last year’s USP Commissioners working on actions far as to suggest that if this was in
referendum result has widened relating to the BDO report into alleged any other developed nation the water
the gap between Bougainvilleans mismanagement at USP. It’s understood supply here would be condemned,
who have overwhelmingly voted the appointments referred to the because it is, based on the testing
for independence, and ‘learned commissioners relate to individuals who and results we have seen to date, it’s
and informed’ Papua New Guineans have been vocal about long-standing completely unsafe.”
who want a unified country. Foreign problems at the university.
Affairs Minister Patrick Pruaitch has PONTIFF FOR PNG
reminded foreign governments they FIJI ARTISTS’ ANGST Pope Francis is likely to visit Papua
still need to go through Port Moresby Fiji’s arts community wants to know New Guinea in September according
to deal with Bougainville. Meanwhile whether the country is participating to Italian media. He will also visit
Central Bougainville MP Sam Akoitai in the 2020 Festival of Pacific Arts in Indonesia and East Timor according to
has forewarned that there might Hawaii in June. No budget allocation the reports. Pope John Paul was the last
be a third Universal of Declaration was made for the festival last year, pope to visit PNG in 1984.
of Independence (UDI) if the PNG and there have been no public calls for
government does not play its cards right expressions of interest. Other Pacific AGENCIES UNDER MICROSCOPE
and grant Bougainville independence. Island nations have begun announcing Regional organisations are coming
their delegations and are well into under closer scrutiny with allegations of
STATE OF THE (FSM) UNION preparations. Radio silence on the abuse of travel for one agency head and
Voters in Chuuk are due to vote next festival follows on from the apparent credit card overspending for another.
month to decide on independence from falling-over of the National Gallery The whisper is that one particular
the Federated States of Micronesia. of Contemporary Arts project. Once boss racked up a travel of US$100,000
Some 50,000 people live in Chuuk, championed by the British Council, in just one year alone, and a special
almost half of FSM’s total population. It there’s no longer any movement on investigation is being mooted to probe
comes as the FSM begins renegotiations that front from donors or the Fiji the matter. At another organisation, up
over the Compact of Free Association government. to US$400,000 was allegedly racked up
with the US, which expires in 2023 and on an agency credit card on travel and
has seen FSM receive over $1.5 billion RALLYING CRY IN COOKS holidays.
in economic aid since 2003 (when it In the Cook Islands, traditional
was last renewed). The US has warned leaders have recommended Cook Islands DRONES DELIVER JUSTICE
Chuuk will lose critical economic be known as “Atea”. In a report to Lae police now have a drone to help
support if it breaks away, that its elected reps, they say Atea means God., fight crime in the city, courtesy of the
citizens living and working in the States and is “easy to chant at a rugby match Australian Federal Police. But it took
may need to return home, and that – Atea, Atea, Atea, Atea.” The report almost a year to accept the drone, as
Chuuk’s maritime security would be provides a long list of 117 alternatives. it took that long to organise training of
compromised. The FSM and its waters Culture Minister George Angene will three police officers to operate it. Lae
are critical to the US’ power struggle take the recommendations to Cabinet. police plan to use the drone in crowded
with China in the Pacific and there are settlements, and to search inaccessible
fears an independent Chuuk would BEHAVIOUR BONDS areas like mountains and swamps
develop a much closer relationship with 400 Samoans sent to work overseas “where criminals often hide.”
China, which is already funding roads have been told they’ll be sent home if
and contributing to a trust fund in the they have extramarital affairs while in HINDI WARS
state. New Zealand. A government rep issued Controversy continues over the
the warning as they prepared to leave use of formal Hindi versus Fiji Hindi
CDF TRANSPARENCY Samoa for up to seven months. at Fiji’s national broadcaster. At the
Vanuatu MP Ralph Regenvanu has beginning of this year, Mirchi FM said
published details of how the 8 million WATER WOES its announcers will now use Fiji Hindi
vatu (US$100,000) Constituency Don’t drink the (undisinfected) water in a bid to make it easier to engage
Development Funds were spent in his is the advice of the company that will with listeners, although news will
constituency last year. The big ticket run Cook Islands’ new water system. be delivered in traditional Hindi.
item was tuition fees. However there is controversy over Opponents say this is an effort to erode
what to use to disinfect the water. The culture and formal usage should be
USP APPOINTMENTS QUESTIONED government wants chlorine, but others protected.
Select academic and administrative want more environmentally neutral
8 Islands Business, February 2020